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KastleVania 4 - Vanian Legenda (2012) full 146min movie in LEGO [sous titre EN]

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KastleVania 4 - Vanian Legenda (2012) full 146min movie in LEGO [sous titre EN]

Par Hovinet - 23 janvier 2013

durée totale: 146min
Année de production: 2012
catégorie: animation/aventure/fantasy
Autre infos: 110 000 photos, 12-20 fps (image par seconde), des milliers d'heures de travail pour créer, animer et monter le film.
format: 16:9, color
Son: stereo
sous-titres: anglais, suomi

Facebook: http://goo.gl/JszrU
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hovinet

Une histoire à propos de liberté, de mort et de revanche.

KastleVania 4 tells about history of the Bellmount clan and how the youngest member of the family has to face the old nemesis stronger than ever before. Simo Bellmount anticipates the return of forces of evil and sends his grandson to examine the situation in the land of Vania. On his journey, Justus learns a lot about history of the land of Vania, its four provinces with their leaders and about the three legendary artifacts, the combination of which would create the ultimate weapon, the Manasplinter.
Justus ends up living at his grand-uncle's inn in the peasant village of KastleVilla and leading its people against their oppressors. In light of tragic events and frightening evidence on return of Lord Trakula, Justus must begin a great quest to seek the artifacts and bring forth the balance to the land of Vania. Justus Bellmount, Fisgars Jr. the Blacksmith, Goffheat the Alchemist and the companions must use all means available to defeat Lord Trakula. Prepare for a journey never to forget in the land of Vania!

Phew, We can't even now realise it's been 90 months since we started this animation.
We have to say a huge thanks to everyone who has helped and supported us in making this film over the past seven+ years.

©2012 HOViNET team

Mots-clés: KastleVania, Vanian, Legenda, 2012, lego, brick, brickfilm, castle, vania, kastle, brickfilms, film, stop, motion, animation, image, par, image

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