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Ballpoint Barber

Inclassables 2565 vues · 0 commentaires

Ballpoint Barber

Par Petersimon - 04 janvier 2014

Tom gets his facial hair drawn on via a magic pen.
(La barbe de Tom apparaît grâce au stylo magique)
Plus de 300 pages imprimées ont été utilisées pour réaliser cette animation.
Le making of. http://goo.gl/w9rYrR

Réalisateur Peter Simon
Avec Tom Offer-Westort
Haircut and Hand Model by Abby Simon
Musique: Paul Otteson // http://paulotteson.bandcamp.com/


Lyrics (Paroles)

Wooly Willy catch a clam or two for me
I've been a-driftin and a-dallying on the sea
Call me a shipwrecked failure
that can't afford but one luxury..

Trim the sails and play a paddled pitch melody
Cuttle with cuttlefish, muddle with muddy fish, soft and sweet
Oh god, my head it is a wailing
from the days that I've been sailing

Wooly Willy, travel so gallantly

Mots-clés: peter, simon, hair, cut, bearb, barbe, photos, Reverse, Haircut, and, Beard-cut

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