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Elliot The Bull - Colourblind

Musique 2683 vues · 0 commentaires

Elliot The Bull - Colourblind

Par Ohyeahwow - 07 juin 2014

Réalisateur: Samuel Lewis
Producteurs: Darcy Prendergast & Seamus Spilsbury

Created by Oh Yeah Wow: www.ohyeahwow.com
Facebook: facebook.com/ohyeahwow
Twitter: @ohyeahwow
Instagram: oh_yeah_wow

Animation: Samuel Lewis
Montage: Seamus Spilsbury
VFX Supervisor/Colourist: Andrew Goldsmith
VFX Technical Support: Josh Thomas
Set Construction & Design: Benjamin Brayshaw
Art Department: Kane Grose, Wen Rarinthip, Samantha Scafidi
Motion Control Design: Glen Anderson (www.synccine.com)
Special Thanks: James Bailey, Mike Greaney, James Lewis, James Martin, Francesca Ohlert, Nikki Santos


Mots-clés: OhYeahWow, Yeah, Wow, Elliot, The, Bull, -, Colourblind, animation, image, par, image

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