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Paper to Plants: Making Of

Making Of 2378 vues · 0 commentaires

Paper to Plants: Making Of

Par Tinybop - 17 juillet 2014

Making Of du court-métrage "Plants" réalisé par Kelli Anderson pour l'application de Tinybop.

Over months of night-owl shoots—6,000 photographs!—Kelli and her partner, Daniel Dunnam, cut and fashioned a forest entirely out of paper: 400 tiny leaves, 500 blades of grass, and 25 squirrels.

Plants est la deuxième application développée par Tinybop dédié aux enfants curieux de plus de 4 ans.
Plants sur l'App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/plants-by-tinybop/id872615882?ls=1&;mt=8&ct=vi

Directed, shot, and edited by Jacob Krupnick: http://wildcombination.com
Featured artists: Kelli Anderson and Daniel Dunnam: http://www.kellianderson.com, http://www.thesoundsinmyhead.com
Music by Symbolized: https://soundcloud.com/symbolized

Mots-clés: Plants, Stop-motion, stop, motion, animation, Tinybop, paper, image, par, image, plantes, plants, kellianderson, Behind, the, Scenes, Kelli, Anderson, Marie, Caudry, Daniel, Dunnam, making, behind, scene

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