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A Sushi Love Story

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A Sushi Love Story

Par Mikeblaney - 13 octobre 2014

Un jeune sushi est déchiré entre l'amour à la maison et l'aventure à l'étranger.

En anglais:
A young sushi is torn between love at home and adventure abroad.

Réalisation: Mike Blaney
La page Facebook du réalisateur: https://www.facebook.com/mikeblaneyfilmphoto

Director’s Notes
I made the film as a metaphor for what was gong on in my life at the time. It was my junior year of film school, and I had just started dating a girl that I had known since day one of freshman year. I began to dread the approach of winter break, as it would mean that I would have to cut short this new and exciting relationship. She would be flying off to study abroad in Paris, and I to Buenos Aires. “A Sushi Love Story” is a representation of this experience and how we decided to handle it, but I had only really lived up to the beginning of it. The ending of the film is what I hoped would happen in reality.
I hope to reach all young people that wish to take advantage of their youth and travel. My message to anyone that is in a relationship and about to study abroad is to allow yourself to fully engage with where you are. When you’re in another country, your head should be there too. If it’s meant to be, you’ll get back together and you’ll be better, more mature people.

Filmmaker’s Biography
Mike Blaney is an adopted Korean-American filmmaker, photographer, and animator based in Ithaca, NY. He made his first film when he was 8 years old, utilizing trick photography to make his little sister magically disappear. He is driven by the desire to add at least a little bit of laughter and positive change to the world. He studied at Ithaca College, where he earned a BFA in Film, Photography & Visual Arts in 2012.

Mike produced “A Sushi Love Story” while earning his BFA in Film, Photography & Visual Arts at Ithaca College.

He is currently producing Spanish-language Youtube videos under the username MikeTheAsian, as well as training to be a sushi chef.

Mots-clés: sushi, love, story, histoire, amour, japon, MikeBlaney, Mike, Blaney, court, métrage, animation, image, par, image

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