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"Halloween" par Kay Lande et Wade Denning - iPhone/Hipstamatic Stop Motion

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"Halloween" par Kay Lande et Wade Denning - iPhone/Hipstamatic Stop Motion

Par Jasonwillis - 31 octobre 2014

Stop-Motion iPhone + Hipstamatic
Interprétation de la chanson classique pour enfants par Kay Lande et Wade Denning

Réalisateur: Jason Willis - http://www.JasonWillis.com

En anglais:
More great Golden Records spookiness!:
Amazon: http://smarturl.it/GoldenHalloween
iTunes: http://smarturl.it/GoldenHalloween2

"Halloween" Performed by Kay Lande Selmer, Composed and Arranged by Wade Denning. Based on "Danse Macabre", Op. 40 composed by Charles-Camille Saint-Saëns 1874. Originally Released by Den-Lan Records (1969) & Golden Records (1974). Produced by Howard Scott.

This video was shot entirely with an iPhone and the Hipstamatic App.
Details at http://scarstuff.blogspot.com/ and http://www.JasonWillis.com

For uncropped stills and Hipstamatic setting details, there's a gallery of images representing each video segment (along with some behind-the-scenes type jive) at http://www.flickr.com/photos/jason-wi...

©2011 Jason Willis

Mots-clés: halloween, court, métrage, apple, iphone, octobre, stop, motion, Hipstamatic, animation, image, par, image, chanson, enfants

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