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La Chose Sous l'Arbre [anglais]

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La Chose Sous l'Arbre [anglais]

Par Lilyfang - 16 novembre 2014

Gabby ne cesse de demander à sa sœur aînée Tam de jouer avec elle, Tam raconte alors l'histoire d'un monstre qui vit dans la forêt. Quoi que tu fasses, dit-elle,tu ne dois pas le laisser voir ton visage ...

En anglais:
The Thing Under the Tree

This is my graduation film from the RCA ~

Gabby keeps bothering her older sister Tam to play, so Tam tells a story about a monster that lives in the forest. Whatever you do, she says, you can’t let it see your face...

Finalist for the Adobe Design Achievement Awards 2013


Montreal Stop Motion Festival (Montreal, Canada): 26-28 Sept 2014
Encounters Short Film & Animation Festival (Bristol, UK): 16-21 Sept 2014
Tenth World Festival of Animated Film (Varna, Bulgaria): 10-14 Sept 2014
Northwest Animation Festival (Portland, OR, USA): 12-18 May 2014
IAFF – Golden Kuker-Sofia 2014 (Sofia, Bulgaria): 12-18 May 2014
Seattle True Independent Film Festival (Seattle, WA, USA): 2-10 May 2014
Cinema Perpetuum Mobile Film Festival (Minsk, Belarus): 18-25 Apr 2014
Flatpack Film Festival (Birmingham, UK): 30 Mar 2014
Rencontres Audiovisuelles (Lille, France): 23 Mar 2014
MONSTRA (Lisbon, Portugal): 13-23 Mar 2014
7th BFI Future Film Festival (London, UK): 23 Feb 2014
Animateka (Ljubljana, Slovenia): 2-8 Dec 2013
Animated Dreams (Tallinn, Estonia): 27 Nov - 1 Dec 2013
Crystal Palace International Film Festival (London, UK): 26 Oct - 9 Nov 2013
Canterbury Anifest (Canterbury, UK): 4-5 Oct 2013

VOICES • Megan Alston, Bea Pearson
MUSIC • Zuzanna Ziolkowska
SOUND MIX • Mike Wyeld
MODELMAKING • Jennifer Cardno, Nadia Oh, Ignatz Johnson Higham, Jessica Ashman, Ana Stefaniak, Merlijn Cantineau, Anna Eijsbouts, Hashim Gaad
POST-PRODUCTION • Merlijn Cantineau, Peter Caires, Greet Kallikorm, Neely Goniodsky, Zuzanna Ziolkowska

Mots-clés: Lily, Fang, the, thing, under, the, tree, chose, sous, arbre, graduation, film, court, métrage, animation

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