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Savon Magique - Magic Soap

Comédie 2434 vues · 0 commentaires

Savon Magique - Magic Soap

Par Guldies - 18 décembre 2014

Une animation envoûtante à base de pâte à modeler.
La réalisation de ce court-métrage, composé de plus de 3000 photos, en a nécessité plus de 10 000 pour obtenir le bon rendu.
Réalisation: Guldies
En anglais:
Hello my friends. I have realized one big thing. I want to be an animator, because of YOU!
Say hi to me! I want to say hi to you: http://instagram.com/guldies

This has been my biggest project yet. I have never spent so much time on anything before, and I have spent A LOT of time on stuff. It has been frustrating and difficult at times but absolutely wonderful, and things have changed in my life at the same time. But I am extremely happy with what I upload now, in this very moment.
Last time I saw you my channel wasn't this big. It has kept growing even if I haven't been able to upload! I am so so SO grateful for everything, and that all of you keep supporting me even if I can't upload videos very often. You make me happy :)

I used a Nikon D80. I used premo sculpey, and cernit clay.
To make things float in the air: I use wire, and then I erase the wire in photoshop.
I rendered everything in Sony Vegas Pro 10, and I used MonkeyJam to export to avi. files.
You will find most of the sound effects on freesound (dot) org. An excellent site. They let you download as long as you give them credit, and they are doing a wonderful job! The rest was made by me. hihi bajs

Mots-clés: Magic, Soap, magique, savon, Stop, Motion, Animation, Guldies, pâte, à, modeler, pixilation, fluide, eau

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