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Emballage cadeau | Animation hebdomadaire 02

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Emballage cadeau | Animation hebdomadaire 02

Par Hombremcsteez - 26 décembre 2015

Un court-métrage de Marty Cooper pour les fêtes.
Le processus de création est détaillé juste après la vidéo.

Musique: Podington Bear

En anglais:
Happy Holidays!
Animation by Marty Cooper AKA Hombre_McSteez

Hombre_McSteez is an animator who brings animated characters into the real world using transparency sheets, a sharpie, and white-out.
This is a weekly series that will be uploaded every Thursday.
After 20 animations they are put into a compilation series called Augdemented reality.

Instagram: https://instagram.com/hombre_mcsteez/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/augdementedreality
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Hombre_McSteez
Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mcgnarcal

Mots-clés: hombre, steez, marty, cooper, animation, noel, cadeau, unwrap, déballer, emballage, boite

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