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A little fishy

Comédie 2578 vues · 0 commentaires

A little fishy

Par Studioflox - 25 mai 2016

Quelque part sous l'eau, il y a quelque chose de suspect... (fishy en anglais)

Somewhere under water something’s a little fishy…

In our paper craft short we explore what it means when things aren’t quite as they appear, especially when two worlds collide…
Florian’s idea of a powerful image led us to our tiny story that first impressions are not always true.

We are a creative studio specilaising in stop motion animation. We push ourselves to explore forms of visual storytelling, even when there’s no client involved.
We really hope you enjoy our little short!

For some behind the scenes pics please go to: http://studioflox.de/en/work/personal-projects/a-little-fishy/

If you like, please share and follow us:

We are a small yet powerful team of a new generation of filmmakers: we see ourselves as thinkers and makers, working hard to bring ideas to the point and executed them perfectly with great attention to detail.

Idea, art direction, DoP: Florian Haßler
Design, papercraft and stop motion animation: Nica Herrmann
Story, directing, editing: Maximilian Zenk
VFX & Rig removal: Emily Apfel
Music and sounddesign: Markus Götze (www.tongoetze.de)

Shot at Studio Flox (www.studioflox.com)

Special thanks to: Denis Holzmüller, Marc Böttler

Mots-clés: little, fishy, studio, flox, stop, motion, animation, image, par

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