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Ep1. Meet us at Cafe Wingcle - Cafe Wingcle

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Ep1. Meet us at Cafe Wingcle - Cafe Wingcle

Par Cafewingcletuba - 30 octobre 2016

StopMotion Animation of Wingcle Bear

Dear Friends,

I am a Barista Bear and I run my own Cafe.
I love spending time with my friends
who always visit me at 'Cafe Wingcle'.

Meet me and my friends:

Muffin the Penguin
- the youngest member at the cafe
- who has a weak spot for sweet desserts

Macaron the Cat
- a mystery writer full of spooky ideas

Panini the Sheep
- an actor who has been cast to play an wolf

Latte the Dog
- a proffessional traveler
- who is always seeking new adventures through
his no. 1 treasure binoculars.

Bagel the Pig
- the owner of the grocery store
- who loves to play jokes on his friends

and me!
Wingcle the Barista Bear.

Mots-clés: cafe, botos, korean, corée, tube, animation, stop, motion

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