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Comment faire un Hamburger

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Comment faire un Hamburger

Par Guldies - 11 février 2017

Comment faire un hamburger savoureux avec un minimum d'effort (en stop motion).

Titre original: How to make HAMBURGERS

HELLO it's me again!! I've missed you. I wanted to show you how to make a tasty hamburger with minimum effort - to make up for my absence. Do you accept my apology? LOVE YOU!

Shot with a Canon EOS 600D. 1800 still pictures, 24 FPS and animated in Dragonframe. I used Sony Vegas for editing. Sound effects recorded with a Blue Yeti and some were dowloaded from Freesound(dot)org.

Mots-clés: guldie, hamburger, stop, motion, howto, how, comment, faire, animation, pâte, modeler, clay, claymation, guldies

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