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Magic Paper. A Stop motion Animation by Guldies

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Magic Paper. A Stop motion Animation by Guldies

Par Guldies - 06 octobre 2017

Une animation faite avec du papier et de la pâte à modeler.

Description originale:

I have never worked with paper before. I wanted to try a new medium as well as finish everything quickly. I hope you don't hate me for it. I finished everything after three hectic weeks and about 1800 frames. I am back and will start animating GOING FISHING as soooon as humanly possible. LESS DO THISSS OMG I LAVV UU!!

Shot with a Canon EOS 600D. Animated in Dragonframe. Edited in Photoshop and Sony Vegas Pro. Sound effects recorded with a Blue Yeti and downloaded from freesound.org. Freesound users I want to thank:

Mots-clés: soif, papier, animation, stop, motion, guldies, clay, thirsty, magic, paper

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